
What is the objective of the laboratory practice described in the text? a) To determine the maximum power that a chain and sprocket system can with...

What is the objective of the laboratory practice described in the text?
a) To determine the maximum power that a chain and sprocket system can withstand for a useful life of 50000 hours with 19 and 38 teeth sprockets.
b) To test different motors with different nominal powers and determine the maximum power that a chain and sprocket system can withstand for a useful life of 50000 hours with 19 and 38 teeth sprockets.
c) To determine the maximum power that a chain and sprocket system can withstand for a useful life of 50000 hours with 19 and 38 teeth sprockets using the finite element method.
d) To determine the maximum power that a chain and sprocket system can withstand for a useful life of 50000 hours with 19 and 38 teeth sprockets using experimental observations.

a) Only a
b) Only b
c) Only c
d) Only b and d

Essa pergunta também está no material:

laboratorio de cadenas y catarinas
10 pág.

Termodinâmica Universidad De CordobaUniversidad De Cordoba


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O objetivo da prática laboratorial descrita no texto é determinar a potência máxima que um sistema de corrente e engrenagem pode suportar para uma vida útil de 50000 horas com engrenagens de 19 e 38 dentes. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a".


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