
Read the sentences and complete them with the appropriate word from the box. Sarah and Amélie enjoyed their holiday, even though it snowed a lot. ...

Read the sentences and complete them with the appropriate word from the box.

Sarah and Amélie enjoyed their holiday, even though it snowed a lot.
In spite of his careful plans, many things went wrong at university.
Mary moved to her apartment a few months ago, she can't tidy it up, despite it.
Despite all my efforts, Carlton was still feeling really bad.
Sarah accepted the job, however, the wage was very low.
Although Chuck managed to get all he wanted, although his father didn't give him any money.

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Atividade 45
1 pág.

Inglês Faculdade Venda Nova do ImigranteFaculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante


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A palavra que completa a primeira frase é "even". A frase completa fica: "Sarah e Amélie aproveitaram suas férias, mesmo que tenha nevado muito."


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