
Considering what you studied in this lesson, order the sentences to build up a paragraph. Use the sequence words to help you. 1 - [Last year Carl...

Considering what you studied in this lesson, order the sentences to build up a paragraph. Use the sequence words to help you.

1 - [Last year Carlton did not have any idea his father was alive and living in Canada.] 2 - [However, last month, he received a phone call from Sarah telling him his father was dead.] 3 - [Then, last week, he flew to Vancouver to attend his father's funeral.]
1 - [First Steve and Oxley met at Jason's house, and then they waited for Sarah] 2 - [She was working until 6 PM, but earlier that day she told them she would meet them later.] 3 - [Thirty minutes later when she got there, they went to the movies.]
2 - [Later in the morning he saw Bruno and Carlton.] 3 - [They were having breakfast at the diner. After seeing them, he decided to call Sarah immediately.] 1 - [Two hours ago Jason called Sarah, but she didn't answer the phone because she was working.]
1 - [First Steve and Oxley met at Jason's house, and then they waited for Sarah] 2 - [She was working until 6 PM, but earlier that day she told them she would meet them later.] 3 - [Thirty minutes later when she got there, they went to the movies.]

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Para construir um parágrafo com as frases fornecidas, a ordem correta seria: 1 - [Last year Carlton did not have any idea his father was alive and living in Canada.] 2 - [However, last month, he received a phone call from Sarah telling him his father was dead.] 3 - [Then, last week, he flew to Vancouver to attend his father's funeral.] Assim, o parágrafo ficaria: "No ano passado, Carlton não tinha ideia de que seu pai estava vivo e morando no Canadá. No entanto, no mês passado, ele recebeu uma ligação de Sarah informando que seu pai estava morto. Então, na semana passada, ele voou para Vancouver para comparecer ao funeral de seu pai."


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