
Complete these sentences with the following (with the verb in the correct form): go riding, go sailing, go shopping, go skiing, go swimming 1. Ben...

Complete these sentences with the following (with the verb in the correct form): go riding, go sailing, go shopping, go skiing, go swimming

1. Ben often goes sailing because he lives by the sea and has a boat.
2. On a hot day, they went swimming in the lake.
3. They will be able to go skiing because there is plenty of snow in the mountains.
4. Helen goes riding regularly because she has two horses.
5. Dan went shopping because there were a few things he needed to buy.


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1. Ben often goes sailing because he lives by the sea and has a boat.
2. On a hot day, they went swimming in the lake.
3. They will be able to go skiing because there is plenty of snow in the mountains.
4. Helen goes riding regularly because she has two horses.
5. Dan went shopping because there were a few things he needed to buy.


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