
What is the structure of the past tense of 'there was/there were' in English? Affirmative structure for singular and plural Examples of affirmative...

What is the structure of the past tense of 'there was/there were' in English?
Affirmative structure for singular and plural
Examples of affirmative sentences

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English Farm- Stage 2
339 pág.

Agronomia/ingles Universidade do Oeste de Santa CatarinaUniversidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

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The structure of the past tense of "there was/there were" in English is as follows: Affirmative structure for singular: There was + noun (singular) Affirmative structure for plural: There were + noun (plural) Examples of affirmative sentences: 1. There was a cat in the garden. 2. There were many books on the shelf. 3. There was a party at my friend's house. 4. There were several cars parked outside. Remember to use "there was" for singular nouns and "there were" for plural nouns in the past tense.


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