
Read narratives of various subgenres and exchange points of view with other students. When reading narratives of various subgenres, it is importan...

Read narratives of various subgenres and exchange points of view with other students.

When reading narratives of various subgenres, it is important to explain the actions and characteristics of the characters, make inferences about their motivations, and recognize their narrative functions.
To understand the actions of the characters, it is important to describe some aspects of the society portrayed in the story, such as groups, norms, and forms of relationship.
When attending expositions, it is important to listen attentively, ask questions, and clarify information.
When exchanging points of view with other students, it is important to validate interpretations and support them with information from the text.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prueba informal sexto primaria
30 pág.

Educação Infantil Universidad Latina De MéxicoUniversidad Latina De México


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