
Read the sentences and choose the relative pronoun that best fills in each gap. Sarah and Amélie are the girls _________ work at the diner. This ...

Read the sentences and choose the relative pronoun that best fills in each gap.

Sarah and Amélie are the girls _________ work at the diner.
This is the wallet _________ was lost by Carlton.
This is the motorcycle _________ owner tried to deceive Carlton.
The diner _________ the girls work is very famous.
Bruno is one of the students _________ presented his papers soon this month.
The Funeral Home, _________ belongs to Chuck’s father, is close to the diner.
Bruno read a very nice book _________ author is now his teacher.
The place _________ Bruno and Carlton met was inside of an airplane departing from the USA.
Some of the regular clients _________ go to the diner have been going there since they were teenagers.

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Atividade 52
3 pág.

Inglês Faculdade Venda Nova do ImigranteFaculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante


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Sarah and Amélie are the girls who work at the diner. This is the wallet that was lost by Carlton. This is the motorcycle whose owner tried to deceive Carlton. The diner where the girls work is very famous. Bruno is one of the students who presented his papers soon this month. The Funeral Home, which belongs to Chuck’s father, is close to the diner. Bruno read a very nice book whose author is now his teacher. The place where Bruno and Carlton met was inside of an airplane departing from the USA. Some of the regular clients who go to the diner have been going there since they were teenagers.


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