
Produce reviews, based on notes and/or schemes made, with the appropriate handling of the voices involved (of the reviewer, the author of the work ...

Produce reviews, based on notes and/or schemes made, with the appropriate handling of the voices involved (of the reviewer, the author of the work and, if applicable, also of the authors cited in the reviewed work), through the use of paraphrases, marks of reported speech and quotations. Writing strategies: textualization, revision, and editing. Identify the purpose of texts of different genres. Identify the linguistic marks that evidence the speaker and the interlocutor of a text.

The objective is to produce reviews based on notes and/or schemes made.
The appropriate handling of the voices involved is required.
The use of paraphrases, marks of reported speech, and quotations is necessary.
The writing strategies of textualization, revision, and editing are required.
The purpose of texts of different genres must be identified.
The linguistic marks that evidence the speaker and the interlocutor of a text must be identified.

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