
Considering the information about dental radiographs, select the correct alternative regarding the structures that can be observed in bitewing radi...

Considering the information about dental radiographs, select the correct alternative regarding the structures that can be observed in bitewing radiographs and their indication.

a) It is an intraoral radiograph that records the entire tooth of a dental arch and its adjacent bone, being useful in the evaluation of caries disease, periodontal disease, and periapical pathologies.
b) It is an intraoral radiograph used to observe a wide segment of a dental arch. It is useful for patients who have difficulty opening their mouths and for locating roots, supernumerary teeth, and non-erupted and impacted teeth.
c) It is an intraoral radiograph that includes, simultaneously, the crowns of the upper and lower teeth and the alveolar crest on the same film. It is particularly valuable for evaluating interproximal caries and the height of the alveolar bone crest.
d) It is a radiograph that provides an overview of the jaws, teeth, maxillary sinuses, nasal fossa, and temporomandibular joint. It is indicated when the coverage area is large, but there is less need for resolution, being used to demonstrate the presence or absence of teeth, the presence or absence of dental anomalies, traumatic lesions, and pathological bone lesions.
e) It is a frontal or lateral radiograph of the face. It is an exam used in orthodontics, facial orthopedics, and also in orthognathic surgery, with the purpose of evaluating the relationship between the bones of the face and the teeth.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Estudo Dirigido 01 - DOI I_230413_143559
8 pág.

Fundamentos da Odontologia OutrosOutros


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A alternativa correta para as estruturas que podem ser observadas nas radiografias interproximais (bitewing) e sua indicação é a letra c) É uma radiografia intraoral que inclui, simultaneamente, as coroas dos dentes superiores e inferiores e a crista alveolar no mesmo filme. É especialmente valiosa para avaliar cáries interproximais e a altura da crista óssea alveolar.



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