
Analysing argumentative, claim-making and propositional texts, evaluate the argumentative movements used (support, refutation and negotiation), ass...

Analysing argumentative, claim-making and propositional texts, evaluate the argumentative movements used (support, refutation and negotiation), assessing the strength of the arguments used. Identifying the thesis of a text. Establishing a relationship between the thesis and the arguments offered to support it. Analyzing the structure of hypertext and hyperlinks in scientific dissemination texts that circulate on the Web and referring to concepts and relationships through links. Analyzing and using epistemic modality, that is, ways of indicating an evaluation of the truth value and truth conditions of a proposition, such as assertives - when agreeing with ('really, evidently, naturally, effectively, clear, certain, logical, without a doubt', etc.) or disagreeing with ('no way, in no way') an idea; and the almost-assertives, which indicate that the content is considered almost certain ('perhaps, so, possibly, probably, eventually', etc.). Analyzing the effects of meaning resulting from the use of intertextuality mechanisms (references, allusions, retakes) between literary texts, between these literary texts and other artistic manifestations (cinema, theater, visual and media arts, music), regarding themes, characters, styles, authors, etc., and between the original text and parodies, paraphrases, pastiches, honest trailers, minute videos, vidding, among others. Identifying the purpose of texts of different genres. Recognizing the effect of meaning resulting from the use of punctuation and other notations. Interpreting text with the help of diverse graphic material (advertisements, comics, photos, etc.). Recognizing the effect of meaning resulting from the choice of a particular word or expression. Identifying the effects of irony or humor in various texts. Analyzing the effects of meaning resulting from the exploration of orthographic and/or morphosyntactic resources. Analyzing the compositional construction. Recognizing marks of person, number, time, mode, the distribution of verbs in textual genres (for example, the forms of the past in reports; the forms of present and future in argumentative genres; the forms of imperative in advertising genres), the use of persuasive resources in various argumentative texts (such as the elaboration of the title, lexical choices, metaphorical constructions, the explicitation or concealment of sources of information) and the strategies of persuasion and appeal to consumption with the linguistic-discursive resources used (tense, wordplay, metaphors, images).

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