
Which of the following statements is true according to the information presented? Enunciado 11 states that the mobility of flags mentioned in arti...

Which of the following statements is true according to the information presented?

Enunciado 11 states that the mobility of flags mentioned in article 37, § 2º, I, of Law 9.504/1997 does not require human action, as long as the times for placement and removal between 6am and 10pm are observed.
Enunciado 12 states that the dimensional limitation of § 3º, art. 38 of Law 9.504/97 does not apply to stickers used in advertisements displayed on cars, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, and residential windows, which are subject to the limitations provided for in article 37, §2º, item II of the same legal statute.
Enunciado 13 states that the use of posters, panels, or screens, whose display is limited to the interior of committees, without external viewing, or to the location of rallies and other events, is not considered an outdoor advertisement for the purposes of prohibited election propaganda, provided that, in this case, the artifact is immediately removed at the end of the event. (art. 14, §§ 1º, 2º e 3º; art. 39, § 8º, of Res. TSE 23.610/2019)
Enunciado 14 states that the attack or aggression against candidates on websites and internet applications with slanderous, defamatory, injurious, knowingly untrue content or that expresses hatred, contempt, or diminution based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity does not constitute mere political criticism.
Enunciado 15 states that in electoral representations involving internet propaganda, application and/or content providers will be notified to comply with judicial determinations, and may be held responsible in cases of non-compliance with the judicial order, respecting the requirements of article 40 of Res. 23.610/2019, subject to the analysis of possible abuses. (art. 17, § 1º, of Resolution 23.608/2019 and art. 57-F of the Electoral Law)
Enunciado 16 states that the distribution of shirts to campaign staff for use during work, provided they do not contain explicit elements of election propaganda, limited to the party or coalition logo, or the candidate's name, is not prohibited, as it is not intended for the common voter, not contradicting the provisions of article 39, § 6º of Law No. 9.504/97, subject to the analysis of abuses by other means.
Enunciado 17 states that with the end of the elections, the dissemination of the right of reply is prejudiced, but the analysis of non-compliance with the order of its concession and the corresponding application of a fine remains, in accordance with article 58, § 8º, of Law 9.504/1997.
Enunciado 18 states that the distribution of resources from the Special Fund for Political Parties (Fundo Partidário), the Special Fund for Campaign Financing (FEFC), and radio and TV time will comply with the current legal regulations, observing the percentage of candidates effectively presented by gender, with a minimum of 30% of resources being mandatory for the financing of female candidates. In addition, the percentage of black candidates in relation to the total number of candidates presented in each gender must also be respected in the distribution of resources. The rules apply, together, to both majoritarian and proportional candidacies.
Enunciado 19 states that the obligation to open a bank account within 10 days of the granting of the campaign CNPJ applies exclusively to candidates and with regard to the bank account intended for receiving campaign donations and applying their own resources. For the movement of resources from the Special Fund for Political Parties (Fundo Partidário) and the Special Fund for Campaign Financing (FEFC), it is sufficient to open a bank account prior to receiving these types of resources.
Enunciado 20 states that if there is evidence that there has been an illicit use of resources originating from the Special Fund for Political Parties (Fundo Partidário) and the Special Fund for Campaign Financing (FEFC), in whole or in part, received as a result of the female gender quota, to finance expenses exclusively with the male gender, the candidate, political party, or coalition will be required to return the amount used, in addition to being subject to the penalties provided for in the law.
All statements are true.
Only statements 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20 are true.
Only statements 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, and 19 are true.
Only statements 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18 are true.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Legislacao Eleitoral Legislacao 360 2023
230 pág.

Direito Eleitoral Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul


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Apenas as afirmações 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 e 18 são verdadeiras.


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