
What were the suggestions made for both schools to continue the project? a. The CCCB should develop a new project focused on the Santo Antônio Ri...

What were the suggestions made for both schools to continue the project?

a. The CCCB should develop a new project focused on the Santo Antônio River, and the CEAB should carry out an integrative project between the school and the AMAN.
b. The CCCB should carry out an integrative project between the school and the AMAN, and the CEAB should develop a new project focused on the Santo Antônio River.
c. Both schools should develop a new project focused on the Santo Antônio River.

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Engenharia Ambiental Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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The suggestion made for both schools to continue the project is option A: The CCCB should develop a new project focused on the Santo Antônio River, and the CEAB should carry out an integrative project between the school and the AMAN.



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