
Identify the correct statement about the types of administrative acts. a) There are five types of administrative acts: normative acts, ordinary ac...

Identify the correct statement about the types of administrative acts.

a) There are five types of administrative acts: normative acts, ordinary acts, negotiable acts, enunciative or pronouncement acts, and punitive acts.
b) The effects of administrative acts can be suspended temporarily in exceptional situations, such as permanent authorization for a circus school to use public areas on weekends, but which can be suspended when the location is given for another specific event.
c) Acts that are revocable are those subject to the possibility of extinction by revocation, such as authorization for a bar to install tables on the sidewalk.
d) Acts that are consummated or exhausted are those that have produced all their effects, such as a contest notice exhausted after the appointment of all approved candidates.
e) Irrevocable acts are those that are not susceptible to revocation, such as linked acts, exhausted acts, generators of subjective rights, and those protected by the immutability of administrative decisions.
a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d
e) e


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A alternativa correta é a letra A: "Existem cinco tipos de atos administrativos: atos normativos, atos ordinários, atos negociais, atos enunciativos ou de pronunciamento e atos punitivos". As outras alternativas apresentam informações incorretas ou incompletas sobre os tipos de atos administrativos.


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