
After reading the case, answer the following: What kind of challenges can the coordinator face for this activity, based on the types of instruments...

After reading the case, answer the following: What kind of challenges can the coordinator face for this activity, based on the types of instruments mentioned above?

The coordinator can face biases when using competency-based assessments to evaluate performance.
The coordinator can face subjectivity when using behavioral assessments to evaluate performance.
The coordinator can face lack of clarity when using assessment center to evaluate performance.
The coordinator can face time constraints when using 360-degree feedback to evaluate performance.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Activity 5 Admin
3 pág.

Administração de Recursos Humanos I Universidad TecMilenioUniversidad TecMilenio


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Based on the types of instruments mentioned above, the coordinator can face the following challenges for this activity: 1. Biases: When using competency-based assessments to evaluate performance, the coordinator may encounter challenges related to biases. Biases can influence the assessment process and lead to unfair evaluations. 2. Subjectivity: When using behavioral assessments to evaluate performance, the coordinator may face challenges related to subjectivity. Different assessors may have different interpretations of behaviors, leading to inconsistent evaluations. 3. Lack of clarity: When using assessment centers to evaluate performance, the coordinator may face challenges related to a lack of clarity. The assessment center activities and criteria may not be clearly defined, making it difficult to assess performance accurately. 4. Time constraints: When using 360-degree feedback to evaluate performance, the coordinator may face challenges related to time constraints. Gathering feedback from multiple sources and analyzing it can be time-consuming, especially if there are many individuals involved. These are some of the challenges that the coordinator may face based on the types of instruments mentioned in the case.



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