
Although Ethics or Ethical Philosophy is basically a philosophical subject, it has its field of reflection and action extended to all areas of know...

Although Ethics or Ethical Philosophy is basically a philosophical subject, it has its field of reflection and action extended to all areas of knowledge, such as theology, philosophy, psychology, law, economics, and many others. What is the importance of the Age of Antiquity for Ethics?

The Age of Antiquity is important for Ethics because it is represented by philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, who gave extreme value to Ethics.
The Age of Antiquity is not important for Ethics, as it is a subject that is basically philosophical and has no relation to historical periods.
a) Only the first statement is correct.
b) Only the second statement is correct.
c) Both statements are correct.
d) Both statements are incorrect.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa c) Ambas as afirmações estão corretas. A Idade Antiga é importante para a Ética, pois é representada por filósofos como Sócrates, Platão e Aristóteles, que deram extrema importância à Ética.



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