
Here is a text introducing Rosa's life. Fill in the blacks with the appropriate subject pronoun, so you can learn some facts about her. Write the p...

Here is a text introducing Rosa's life. Fill in the blacks with the appropriate subject pronoun, so you can learn some facts about her. Write the pronoun into the correct place.
Hi, my name is Rosa Sousa. _______ am a student in the United States, but my familly lives in Brazil. My sister is called Patricia, ______ is good to me and _______ are good friends. My father and mother are nice too, and _______ are dentists. Here in the United States I study hard. I have lots of friends in class and _______ have an English teacher called Ms. Taylor. _______ is a nice teacher, but she gives us lots of homework. I like English very much, because _______ is important for my professional future!

I - she - we - they - we - She - it
We - I - it - she - they - us - He - our
I - he - we - it - us - She - she

Essa pergunta também está no material:

ING 1 - Lesson 01 - Subject Pronouns
1 pág.

Inglês Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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Olá! Aqui está o texto preenchido com os pronomes corretos: "Hi, my name is Rosa Sousa. I am a student in the United States, but my family lives in Brazil. My sister is called Patricia, she is good to me and we are good friends. My father and mother are nice too, and they are dentists. Here in the United States I study hard. I have lots of friends in class and we have an English teacher called Ms. Taylor. She is a nice teacher, but she gives us lots of homework. I like English very much, because it is important for my professional future!" Espero que isso ajude! Se você tiver mais alguma pergunta, é só me dizer.


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