
Identify the radiographic descriptions of anatomical structures in the maxillofacial region: Projection of the medial blade of the pterygoid proces...

Identify the radiographic descriptions of anatomical structures in the maxillofacial region:
Projection of the medial blade of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone.
Radiopaque image in the shape of a hook, located posterior to the tuber of the maxilla.
Air-filled cavity lined with a mucous membrane. It occupies the body of the maxilla bilaterally. It is located above the apices of the upper premolars and molars. It is a large radiolucent area, delimited inferiorly by a radiopaque line.
Inferior limit of the maxillary sinus. Thin radiopaque line located in the lowest portion of the maxillary sinus and possibly superimposed on the roots of the upper posterior teeth.
Contour of the floor of the maxillary sinus in the dental root, which has a close relationship with the maxillary sinus. Radiopaque line that outlines part of the dental root.
Intersection of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus with the floor of the nasal cavity. Generally located in the region of the upper canines. Radiopaque line in the shape of an inverted "Y".
Thin fold of the bone cortex that projects through the maxillary sinus. It is generally oriented vertically and can divide the maxillary sinus into sinus compartments or bone compartments (Sinus Diverticulum). Thin radiopaque line projected into the maxillary sinus.
Bony projection of the maxilla that joins the zygomatic bone. Radiopaque image in the shape of a "U" or "V", located above the upper molars.
The lower limit of the zygomatic bone can be visualized in the periapical radiograph of molars. Less radiopaque structure than the Proc Zig of the Maxilla and extends posteriorly to it.
Bony projection located in the anterosuperior portion of the mandibular ramus. Triangular radiopaque image located below the maxillary tuberosity or superimposed on it.
Eminence of dense bone in the anteroinferior portion of the mandible, with a triangular shape. There are two radiopaque lines that ascend towards the midline.
Depression in the vestibular region of the mandible that extends laterally from the midline and above the mental protuberance. Radiolucent area above the mental protuberance.
Or genian tubercles. They are small bony projections located in the lingual region of the mandibular cortex, near the midline, where the mylohyoid and genioglossus muscles are inserted. Circumscribed radiopaque image located below the lower central incisors.
It is the entrance of the neurovascular bundle from the lingual arteries and nerve. Radiolucent image in the shape of a point, located below the level of the apices of the lower incisors and within the image of the mental protuberance.
Anterior bony opening of the mandibular canal.


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Based on the descriptions provided, here are the radiographic descriptions of the anatomical structures in the maxillofacial region: 1. Projection of the medial blade of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone: Radiopaque image in the shape of a hook, located posterior to the tuber of the maxilla. 2. Air-filled cavity lined with a mucous membrane. It occupies the body of the maxilla bilaterally. It is located above the apices of the upper premolars and molars. It is a large radiolucent area, delimited inferiorly by a radiopaque line: Maxillary sinus. 3. Inferior limit of the maxillary sinus. Thin radiopaque line located in the lowest portion of the maxillary sinus and possibly superimposed on the roots of the upper posterior teeth: Inferior border of the maxillary sinus. 4. Contour of the floor of the maxillary sinus in the dental root, which has a close relationship with the maxillary sinus. Radiopaque line that outlines part of the dental root: Floor of the maxillary sinus. 5. Intersection of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus with the floor of the nasal cavity. Generally located in the region of the upper canines. Radiopaque line in the shape of an inverted "Y": Anterior nasal spine. 6. Thin fold of the bone cortex that projects through the maxillary sinus. It is generally oriented vertically and can divide the maxillary sinus into sinus compartments or bone compartments (Sinus Diverticulum). Thin radiopaque line projected into the maxillary sinus: Sinus septum. 7. Bony projection of the maxilla that joins the zygomatic bone. Radiopaque image in the shape of a "U" or "V", located above the upper molars: Zygomatic process of the maxilla. 8. The lower limit of the zygomatic bone can be visualized in the periapical radiograph of molars. Less radiopaque structure than the Proc Zig of the Maxilla and extends posteriorly to it: Zygomatic arch. 9. Bony projection located in the anterosuperior portion of the mandibular ramus. Triangular radiopaque image located below the maxillary tuberosity or superimposed on it: Coronoid process of the mandible. 10. Eminence of dense bone in the anteroinferior portion of the mandible, with a triangular shape. There are two radiopaque lines that ascend towards the midline: Mental protuberance. 11. Depression in the vestibular region of the mandible that extends laterally from the midline and above the mental protuberance. Radiolucent area above the mental protuberance: Mental fossa. 12. Or genian tubercles. They are small bony projections located in the lingual region of the mandibular cortex, near the midline, where the mylohyoid and genioglossus muscles are inserted. Circumscribed radiopaque image located below the lower central incisors: Genial tubercles. 13. It is the entrance of the neurovascular bundle from the lingual arteries and nerve. Radiolucent image in the shape of a point, located below the level of the apices of the lower incisors and within the image of the mental protuberance: Mental foramen. 14. Anterior bony opening of the mandibular canal: Mandibular canal or mandibular foramen. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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