
What was the reason for the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline to be stopped before it even started? The pipeline was slowed by claims by Eskimos and other Al...

What was the reason for the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline to be stopped before it even started?

The pipeline was slowed by claims by Eskimos and other Alaskan natives, and by wrangling among the partners.
The pipeline was completely stopped by a Federal court injunction won by environmentalists in 1970.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Both I and II are correct.
d) Neither I nor II is correct.


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The reason for the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline to be stopped before it even started was that it was completely stopped by a Federal court injunction won by environmentalists in 1970. Therefore, the correct answer is option b) Only II is correct.


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