
Listen and then read the dialogue. Joana and Catarina are talking in the café. Joana: Look, Catarina, do you want to play badminton on Saturday a...

Listen and then read the dialogue.
Joana and Catarina are talking in the café.
Joana: Look, Catarina, do you want to play badminton on Saturday afternoon?
Catarina: Of course I do! You know I love playing badminton. Where are we going to play?
Joana: In Flora's garden.
Catarina: Ah! I love that garden. It's very pleasant! It's quiet, we can walk around the garden and we can even hear the birds singing.
Joana: Yes, it's really a very pleasant space and it also has a court to play badminton.
Catarina: Yes, yes. I know.
Joana: And what time are we going to meet?
Catarina: It can be around five o'clock, at the entrance of the garden. Is that okay?
Joana: Great! So, see you on Saturday! I'll bring the rackets and the shuttlecocks!
Catarina: Okay. See you on Saturday!

Joana and Catarina are talking in the café.
Catarina is inviting Joana to play badminton.
They will meet on Saturday morning.
Catarina loves Flora's garden.
Flora's garden is very unpleasant and noisy.
Catarina has a bird.
They will play tennis.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

44 pág.

Português Teodoro OlivaresTeodoro Olivares


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