
According to the presented text, what is the tendency when the Public Power fails to comply with the right to education of people with disabilities...

According to the presented text, what is the tendency when the Public Power fails to comply with the right to education of people with disabilities?

a) The Judiciary tends to violate the principle of separation of powers.
b) The Judiciary tends to act spontaneously.
c) The Judiciary tends to act after being provoked by a judicial action.
d) The Judiciary tends to act in a way that violates the legal norms in force.

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13 pág.

Comunicação Empresarial I Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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De acordo com o texto apresentado, a tendência quando o Poder Público não cumpre o direito à educação das pessoas com deficiência é que o Judiciário atue após ser provocado por uma ação judicial. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra c).



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