
Which of the following statements is true according to the Consumer Protection Code? a. The Consumer Protection Code only applies to the purchase ...

Which of the following statements is true according to the Consumer Protection Code?

a. The Consumer Protection Code only applies to the purchase of goods, not services.
b. The Consumer Protection Code only applies to individuals, not legal entities.
c. Product is any exclusively material good, of movable or immovable nature, indiscriminately.
d. The collective of people who have intervened in consumer relations can be equated with the consumer.
e. Consumer protection rules have a protective nature and are in the interest of social order, implying differentiated treatment for consumers due to their vulnerability and lack of resources.

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De acordo com o Código de Defesa do Consumidor, a alternativa correta é a letra E: As regras de proteção ao consumidor possuem natureza protetiva e estão no interesse da ordem social, implicando tratamento diferenciado aos consumidores devido à sua vulnerabilidade e falta de recursos.



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