
What were the mestizos in Mexican society and what was their role? I. The mestizos were a factor of instability in Mexican society since the begin...

What were the mestizos in Mexican society and what was their role?

I. The mestizos were a factor of instability in Mexican society since the beginning of the Spanish conquest.
II. The mestizos were rejected by both the indigenous world and the conquering society.
III. The mestizos were abandoned to themselves and were a despicable social group due to their number.
IV. The mestizos were a group of mixed-blood subjects who constituted the castes in Mexican society.
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and IV are correct.
c) III and IV are correct.
d) I and IV are correct.

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538 pág.

História da Educação I Universidad Nacional Autónoma De MéxicoUniversidad Nacional Autónoma De México


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A resposta correta é a alternativa d) I and IV are correct. Os mestizos eram um grupo de indivíduos de sangue misto que constituíam as castas na sociedade mexicana. Eles eram uma mistura de europeus e indígenas e, portanto, eram considerados inferiores pelos espanhóis. Desde o início da conquista espanhola, os mestizos foram um fator de instabilidade na sociedade mexicana. No entanto, eles também desempenharam um papel importante na luta pela independência do México e na formação da identidade mexicana.



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