
Which of the following statements is true about bite marks? a. The location and collection of the material do not influence the result of the exam...

Which of the following statements is true about bite marks?

a. The location and collection of the material do not influence the result of the exam.
b. Bite marks caused by slow pressure or suction usually present an ecchymotic area in the center of the lesion and are more common in sexual assaults.
c. Human bites are identified by the size and shape of the lesions, which should measure between 2.5 cm and 4.5 cm, and by the distance between the canines of the jaws.
d. In addition to identifying the perpetrator, other fundamental points in forensic investigation can be elucidated by analyzing bite marks, such as the vital reaction of the lesions to determine if they were produced intra vitam or post mortem.
e. Bite marks can be observed in homicides, sexual crimes, cases of domestic violence, as well as accidents with animals.

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6 pág.

Odontologia Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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A alternativa correta é a letra D. Além de identificar o agressor, outros pontos fundamentais na investigação forense podem ser elucidados pela análise das marcas de mordida, como a reação vital das lesões para determinar se foram produzidas intra vitam ou post mortem.



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