
What will be the unit cost of the product for 1,500 units? The industry Bons Custos produces a single product. In a certain month, it operated bel...

What will be the unit cost of the product for 1,500 units?

The industry Bons Custos produces a single product.
In a certain month, it operated below its production capacity, producing only 1,000 units.
In that month, the variable costs were R$ 5,000.00 and the fixed costs were R$ 8,000.00.
The company intends to produce 1,500 units for the next month, maintaining the same values of variable and fixed costs.
R$ 13.00
R$ 12.00
R$ 11.45
R$ 11.80
R$ 10.33

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To calculate the unit cost of the product for 1,500 units, we need to consider the variable and fixed costs. Variable costs are costs that vary with the level of production. In this case, the variable costs were R$ 5,000.00 for 1,000 units produced. To find the variable cost per unit, we divide the total variable costs by the number of units produced: Variable cost per unit = Total variable costs / Number of units produced Variable cost per unit = R$ 5,000.00 / 1,000 units Variable cost per unit = R$ 5.00 Fixed costs are costs that do not vary with the level of production. In this case, the fixed costs were R$ 8,000.00. To calculate the unit cost for 1,500 units, we add the variable cost per unit to the fixed costs and divide by the number of units: Unit cost = (Variable cost per unit + Fixed costs) / Number of units Unit cost = (R$ 5.00 + R$ 8,000.00) / 1,500 units Unit cost = R$ 13.00 / 1,500 units Unit cost = R$ 0.0087 Therefore, the unit cost of the product for 1,500 units is R$ 0.0087.



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