
What are the components of the ETERNIT® dry construction system? a. Component NFE-1: Metal profiles, Component SFE-1: ETERBOARD flat fiber cement...

What are the components of the ETERNIT® dry construction system?

a. Component NFE-1: Metal profiles, Component SFE-1: ETERBOARD flat fiber cement plates, Component NFE-2: Anchors and fasteners, Component SFE-2: ETERCOAT (HR, MR) and ETERGLASS (HF, MF) seals, tapes and putties.
b. Component NFE-1: Metal profiles, Component SFE-1: ETERBOARD flat fiber cement plates, Component NFE-2: Anchors and fasteners, Component SFE-2: ETERCOAT (HR, MR) and ETERGLASS (HF, MF) seals, tapes and putties, and carpentry.
c. Component NFE-1: Metal profiles, Component SFE-1: ETERBOARD flat fiber cement plates, Component NFE-2: Anchors and fasteners, Component SFE-2: ETERCOAT (HR, MR) and ETERGLASS (HF, MF) seals, tapes and putties, and extrusion.
d. Component NFE-1: Metal profiles, Component SFE-1: ETERBOARD flat fiber cement plates, Component NFE-2: Anchors and fasteners, Component SFE-2: ETERCOAT (HR, MR) and ETERGLASS (HF, MF) seals, tapes and putties, and rollover.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A: Componente NFE-1: Perfis metálicos, Componente SFE-1: Placas planas de cimento reforçado com fibras ETERBOARD, Componente NFE-2: Ancoragens e fixadores, Componente SFE-2: Selos, fitas e massas ETERCOAT (HR, MR) e ETERGLASS (HF, MF).

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Jhonatan Rohling

Alternativa correta: A

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