
What is the content of the manual of repair for the Mazda 6 engine? The manual contains explanations that facilitate the repair of the engine. The...

What is the content of the manual of repair for the Mazda 6 engine?

The manual contains explanations that facilitate the repair of the engine.
The manual is structured in a simple way that allows finding solutions to faults found in the car.
The manual includes information on safety about the system.
The manual includes the repair of each system, including their respective tools and tightening torques.
The manual concludes with what was learned in the realization of this thesis.
a) I, II, III, IV and V are correct.
b) Only I, II, III and IV are correct.
c) Only II, III, IV and V are correct.
d) Only I, III, IV and V are correct.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa "c) Only II, III, IV and V are correct." A descrição menciona que o manual contém explicações que facilitam o reparo do motor, é estruturado de forma simples para encontrar soluções para falhas no carro, inclui informações de segurança sobre o sistema e aborda o reparo de cada sistema, incluindo ferramentas e torques de aperto. A alternativa I não é mencionada na descrição, portanto, não está correta.


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