
What are the requirements for replacing a catalytic converter according to the text? a) The catalytic converter must be replaced by an original o...

What are the requirements for replacing a catalytic converter according to the text?

a) The catalytic converter must be replaced by an original one or a certified replacement one, installed in the same position as the original, and connected properly to the air injection components.
b) The catalytic converter must be replaced by any type of replacement one, installed in the same position as the original, and connected properly to the air injection components.
c) The catalytic converter must be replaced by an original one or a certified replacement one, installed in any position, and connected properly to the air injection components.

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De acordo com o texto, os requisitos para substituir um conversor catalítico são: a) O conversor catalítico deve ser substituído por um original ou por um certificado de substituição, instalado na mesma posição que o original e conectado corretamente aos componentes de injeção de ar. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A.


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