
What are the technical and scientific fundamentals related to the operation of voltage regulator circuits and combinational circuits with logic gat...

What are the technical and scientific fundamentals related to the operation of voltage regulator circuits and combinational circuits with logic gates?
Verification of the operation of rectifier circuits with junction diode
Verification of the operation of voltage regulator circuits with zener diode
Verification of the operation of monolithic voltage regulator circuits
Semiconductor Theory
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
Doping of Semiconductors
P-type Semiconductor
N-type Semiconductor
Junction Diode - Structure and Physical Operation
Zener Diode - Structure and Physical Operation
Light Emitting Diode (LED) - Structure and Physical Operation
The course covers the technical and scientific fundamentals related to the operation of voltage regulator circuits and combinational circuits with logic gates.
The course covers the verification of the operation of rectifier circuits with junction diode.
The course covers the verification of the operation of voltage regulator circuits with zener diode.
The course covers the verification of the operation of monolithic voltage regulator circuits.
The course covers the Semiconductor Theory.
The course covers the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors.
The course covers the Doping of Semiconductors.
The course covers the P-type Semiconductor.
The course covers the N-type Semiconductor.
The course covers the Junction Diode - Structure and Physical Operation.
The course covers the Zener Diode - Structure and Physical Operation.
The course covers the Light Emitting Diode (LED) - Structure and Physical Operation.

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129 pág.

Mecânica dos Fluidos EngenhariasEngenharias

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Os fundamentos técnicos e científicos relacionados à operação de circuitos reguladores de tensão e circuitos combinacionais com portas lógicas incluem a teoria dos semicondutores, semicondutores intrínsecos e extrínsecos, dopagem de semicondutores, semicondutores tipo P e tipo N, diodo de junção - estrutura e operação física, diodo Zener - estrutura e operação física, diodo emissor de luz (LED) - estrutura e operação física. A verificação da operação de circuitos retificadores com diodo de junção, circuitos reguladores de tensão com diodo Zener e circuitos reguladores de tensão monolíticos também fazem parte dos fundamentos técnicos e científicos relacionados à operação de circuitos reguladores de tensão e circuitos combinacionais com portas lógicas.


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