
According to our studies, which alternative best defines the moment marked by contact with the magical world of stories and artistic language (visu...

According to our studies, which alternative best defines the moment marked by contact with the magical world of stories and artistic language (visual, corporal, theatrical, etc.), by stimulating pleasurable and challenging activities and social interaction?

e- Literacy.
f- Production of texts in different languages.
g- Decoding and assigning meanings.
h- Formation of the reading subject.

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Arte e Literatura SENAC Águas de São PedroSENAC Águas de São Pedro

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De acordo com os estudos, a alternativa que melhor define o momento marcado pelo contato com o mundo mágico das histórias e da linguagem artística (visual, corporal, teatral, etc.), estimulando atividades prazerosas e desafiadoras e a interação social é a opção "h- Formação do sujeito leitor".


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