
What is the possible relationship between the underpass planned for the Primera Junta/Triunvirato street and the SET? a) It will be located near ...

What is the possible relationship between the underpass planned for the Primera Junta/Triunvirato street and the SET?

a) It will be located near the point where the LAT enters the SET area.
b) It will be located near the point where the SET enters the LAT area.
c) It will be located near the point where the SET enters the Quilmes station area.

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247 pág.

Geral XochicalliXochicalli


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A possível relação entre o viaduto planejado para a rua Primera Junta/Triunvirato e o SET é a seguinte: a) Ele estará localizado próximo ao ponto onde o LAT entra na área do SET. Espero ter ajudado! Se tiver mais alguma dúvida, é só perguntar.



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