
Fantasy writer Lloyd Alexander published an essay entitled 'High-fantasy and Heroic Romance' in 1971. For him, high fantasy, to use his own terms, ...

Fantasy writer Lloyd Alexander published an essay entitled 'High-fantasy and Heroic Romance' in 1971. For him, high fantasy, to use his own terms, should be regarded as contemporary literature. Read the extract below and assess the statements that relate high fantasy, the genre, and Campbell's ideas: The journey of the hero is about the courage to seek the depths; the image of creative rebirth; the eternal cycle of change within us; the uncanny discovery that the seeker is the mystery which the seeker seeks to know (CAMPBELL, 2008, p. 16). Source: Campbell, Joseph, 1904-1987, The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Novato, California: New World Library, 2008. I. Campbell's conception of the journey of the hero is not at all relatable to the notion of High fantasy. BECAUSE II. The subgenre of High fantasy dealt with topics of the everyday world, despite having a fantastical twist.

Affirmative I is true, and II is false.
Affirmatives I and II are true, II is a correct justification of I.
Affirmative I is false, and II is true.
Affirmatives I and II are true, but II is not a correct justification of I.
Affirmatives I and II are false.

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7 pág.

Literaturas de Língua Inglesa Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A afirmação I é falsa e a afirmação II é verdadeira. A concepção de Campbell sobre a jornada do herói está diretamente relacionada com a noção de High Fantasy, pois ambos tratam de temas como coragem, renascimento criativo, ciclo eterno de mudança e descoberta do mistério que o buscador procura conhecer. Já a afirmação II é verdadeira, pois o subgênero de High Fantasy lida com mundos imaginários e fantásticos, e não com o mundo cotidiano.


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