
In which alternative there is a subordinating conjunction? a) The mechanic fixed the broken tail-light, AND he replaced the brakes, too. b) I tho...

In which alternative there is a subordinating conjunction?

a) The mechanic fixed the broken tail-light, AND he replaced the brakes, too.
b) I thought my tail-light was broken, BUT it was simply disconnected from the plug.
c) She finally booked a trip to Paris, France, YET she only plans to stay four days.
d) She refuses to admit she hates her boss, FOR she dislikes conflict with anyone.
e) BECAUSE he loved acting, he refused to give up his dream of being in the movies.

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3 pág.

Inglês Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa que contém uma conjunção subordinativa é a letra "e) BECAUSE he loved acting, he refused to give up his dream of being in the movies." A palavra "because" é uma conjunção subordinativa causal, que indica uma relação de causa e efeito entre as duas partes da frase.



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