
Utilizando o texto abaixo, nomeie os tipos de coesão gramatical e lexical, informando a que/quem se referem, transcrevendo-os no quadro, a seguir. ...

Utilizando o texto abaixo, nomeie os tipos de coesão gramatical e lexical, informando a que/quem se referem, transcrevendo-os no quadro, a seguir.
Many young people choose to continue their education at colleges in Britain, Australia or America. Although studying in English-speaking countries overseas has clear advantages, it is not without its problems. If, on one hand, the students can usually benefit from a good level of education and well qualified professors, on the other hand some learners may have some difficulties adjusting to a culture that is different from theirs. So, studying abroad can have advantages and disadvantages and if you are willing to do it, it’s wise to get as much information as you can. This is very important if one doesn’t want to risk too much.
