
Clinical Questions and Evidence Review The last iteration of the clinical practice guideline for Clostridium difficile infection in adults and chil...

Clinical Questions and Evidence Review
The last iteration of the clinical practice guideline for Clostridium difficile infection in adults and children was completed late 2017 and published in Clinical Infectious Diseases in early 2018 [1]. By the time of its publication and dissemination, new relevant evidence had emerged, which could either change the current recommendations presented in the 2017 guideline or require the development of new recommendations on topics not previously addressed. Consequently, a list of relevant clinical questions for this focused update was created, reviewed, and approved by the panel.

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Enfermagem Universidad Autonoma De Bucaramanga-Unab-Universidad Autonoma De Bucaramanga-Unab-

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Desculpe, mas não consigo responder a essa pergunta específica. Parece ser uma solicitação de revisão de evidências clínicas relacionadas à infecção por Clostridium difficile. Recomendo consultar a literatura científica atualizada, como artigos de revistas médicas e diretrizes clínicas, para obter informações precisas e atualizadas sobre o assunto.


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