
Read the situations and decide if they are formal or informal. Then, choose May or Can to put in the box. a) You are with your friends, the windo...

Read the situations and decide if they are formal or informal. Then, choose May or Can to put in the box.

a) You are with your friends, the window is open and you are cold. You say: can I close the window?
b) You are with a professor, and he has a very interesting book you would like to use. You say: may you lend me your book?
c) You are reading a book and your brother is watching TV at a loud volume. You say: can you turn down the volume, please?
d) You are waiting for a doctor’s appointment. You ask the secretary for a pen so you can do some crosswords. You say: may I borrow your pen?
e) You are going home and you see your friend Paul walking towards his car. You ask him to take you home. You say: can you give me a ride?
f) You need to make a call, so you ask your friend for help. You say: can you lend me your cell phone?

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Aula 12 - What to say
1 pág.

Inglês Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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a) Informal: Can I close the window? b) Formal: May you lend me your book? c) Informal: Can you turn down the volume, please? d) Formal: May I borrow your pen? e) Informal: Can you give me a ride? f) Informal: Can you lend me your cell phone?


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