
Cite some of the main names in indigenous historiography in Brazil and describe why it is important that these specific names be mentioned when add...

Cite some of the main names in indigenous historiography in Brazil and describe why it is important that these specific names be mentioned when addressing this topic.

Ailton Krenak, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, and Kaká Werá. It is important to mention these authors because they are also politicians who fight for the indigenous cause.
Ailton Krenak, Daniel Mundukuru, and Kaká Werá. It is important to mention these authors because they are representatives and indigenous leaders who write about the history of their peoples. (Correct alternative)
Darcy Ribeiro, Daniel Mundukuru, and Kaká Werá. It is important to mention these authors because they have international recognition.
Ailton Krenak, Daniel Mundukuru, and Gilberto Freyre. It is important to mention these authors because they address indigenous history from the beginning of the historiography of this topic.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

historia 1
3 pág.

História Centro Universitário Joaquim NabucoCentro Universitário Joaquim Nabuco

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A alternativa correta é: "Ailton Krenak, Daniel Mundukuru e Kaká Werá. É importante mencionar esses autores porque são representantes e líderes indígenas que escrevem sobre a história de seus povos." Esses autores têm um papel fundamental na historiografia indígena no Brasil, trazendo perspectivas e narrativas importantes sobre a história e cultura dos povos indígenas. Além disso, eles são representantes ativos da causa indígena, lutando pelos direitos e pela valorização dessas comunidades.


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