
Historically, the Engenharia de Software emerged in the late 1960s at a conference held by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). A group o...

Historically, the Engenharia de Software emerged in the late 1960s at a conference held by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). A group of renowned scientists gathered for a week at a conference sponsored by NATO's Scientific Committee, with the aim of drawing attention to the problem of computer software use. From this conference, a report of approximately 135 pages emerged, which addressed the need for software to be built based on practical and theoretical principles. Mark the alternative that corresponds to one of the principles of Engenharia de Software.

a) Engenharia de Usabilidade.
b) Engenharia de Requisitos.
c) Engenharia de Software.
d) Engenharia de Computação.
e) Engenharia de Capacidade.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Colaborar - Av1 - Segurança em Engenharia de Softw
3 pág.

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A alternativa correta é a letra c) Engenharia de Software. A Engenharia de Software é uma disciplina que se dedica ao desenvolvimento de software de forma sistemática, aplicando princípios e métodos para garantir a qualidade, eficiência e confiabilidade dos sistemas de software.


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