
2) Complete the conversations. Use many or much. A: Do ________ animals live in the Himalayas? B: I don't know! A: Are there any clothes shops in...

2) Complete the conversations. Use many or much.

A: Do ________ animals live in the Himalayas? B: I don't know!
A: Are there any clothes shops in this town? B: Yes, but not _________.
A: I haven't got _________ money.B: Don't worry.

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14 pág.

Inglês Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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A: Do many animals live in the Himalayas? B: I don't know! A: Are there any clothes shops in this town? B: Yes, but not many. A: I haven't got much money. B: Don't worry.



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