
Question 7/10 - Environmental Accounting The Environmental Management System (EMS) can be defined as the business management that aims to avoid, as...

Question 7/10 - Environmental Accounting
The Environmental Management System (EMS) can be defined as the business management that aims to avoid, as far as possible, problems for the environment, with the objective of achieving sustainable development. It is undeniable that the implementation of EMS is a factor of competitive advantage that allows companies to improve their image in the market, a very important aspect due to the increase in environmental awareness and consumer demands.
Considering the text above, evaluate the following assertions:
I - Environmental control in outputs.
II - Integration of environmental control in administrative management.
III - Lack of technology for better management of environmental impacts.
IV - Integration of environmental control in industrial practices and processes.
V - High investment in processes for controlling and containing air and water pollution.
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the most frequent difficulties of companies in implementing EMS:

A The statements I and II are correct.
B The statements I, II, and III are correct.
C The statements I, II, and IV are correct.
D The statements I and II are correct.
E The statements I, II, and V are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Apols Contabilidade Ambiental
38 pág.

Contabilidade Geral Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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A alternativa correta é a letra C: As afirmações I, II e IV estão corretas.



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