
Among the analytical tools from contemporary theories, we can mention some relevant to the translator's practice. Which of the following is NOT men...

Among the analytical tools from contemporary theories, we can mention some relevant to the translator's practice. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of these tools?
a. The seven translation procedures from the linguistic-contrastive approach of Vinay and Darbelnet.
b. The importance given to the translation receiver and their reaction to the translated text from Nida's contributions.
c. The principles of interpretative theory or sense theory from ESIT in Paris.
d. Some approaches from functionalist approaches (Vermeer, Reiss, Nord).
e. The typologies of textual functions proposed by Reiss and Nord.
f. Nord's functional analysis model.
g. The contrastive textual approach.


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Prática de Tradução Inglês/português : Textos Técnicos e Científicos Faculdade UNIFATECIEFaculdade UNIFATECIE

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A alternativa que NÃO é mencionada como uma das ferramentas analíticas das teorias contemporâneas para a prática do tradutor é a letra G, a abordagem textual contrastiva.


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