
33 - In the fragment “Set in the 9th century AD, many of the separate kingdoms of what we now know as England have fallen to the invading Vikings, ...

33 - In the fragment “Set in the 9th century AD, many of the separate kingdoms of what we now know as England have fallen to the invading Vikings, only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant under its visionary King Alfred the Great”, the adjective pronoun (“its”) refers to:

a) Kingdom of Wessex and King Alfred the Great
b) Kingdom and England
c) England and Vikings
d) Defiant and Under

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prova_cfs 1 2022_cod_17_29 06 2021 14 55 24
24 pág.

Matemática,física,português,inglês Caetano Miele ProfessorCaetano Miele Professor

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Na frase "Set in the 9th century AD, many of the separate kingdoms of what we now know as England have fallen to the invading Vikings, only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant under its visionary King Alfred the Great", o pronome adjetivo "its" se refere ao "Kingdom of Wessex" (Reino de Wessex) e ao "King Alfred the Great" (Rei Alfredo, o Grande). Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A) Kingdom of Wessex and King Alfred the Great.


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