
The work of psychologists in public policies is recent and has been growing in recent decades. In order to contribute to the psychologist and make ...

The work of psychologists in public policies is recent and has been growing in recent decades. In order to contribute to the psychologist and make this process more structured, the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) created in 2006 the Technical Reference Center in Psychology and Public Policies (CREPOP). Choose the alternative that correctly describes the function of CREPOP.

a) In CREPOP, there is the gathering of information and references that contribute to assisting psychologists who wish to work in the area of public policies.
b) In CREPOP, professionals from various fields come together to provide support and assistance to psychologists in their functions.
c) CREPOP has the function of providing legal support to all psychologists in the area of public policies.
d) CREPOP is a center for making politics in the field of psychology, where professionals find support for political struggles in the profession.
e) In CREPOP, there are free training services for psychologists who wish to enter the field of public policies.

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5 pág.

Psicologia Comunitária Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta é a letra A) No CREPOP, ocorre a reunião de informações e referências que contribuem para auxiliar os psicólogos que desejam atuar na área de políticas públicas.


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