
Observe the image below and consider that the individual who has professional ethics fulfills all the activities of their profession, following the...

Observe the image below and consider that the individual who has professional ethics fulfills all the activities of their profession, following the principles determined by society and their work group. Good relationships with colleagues in the sector and in customer service depend a lot on behavioral skills, which are important positive attitudes and behaviors in any type of human relationship.

1. Organization.
2. Teamwork.
3. Responsibility.
4. Individualism.
5. Respect for Norms.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

AOL 2 - Etica e cidadania
11 pág.

Ética e Cidadania Centro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de NassauCentro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de Nassau


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A alternativa correta é a número 5: "Respect for Norms". O respeito às normas é uma das habilidades comportamentais importantes para estabelecer boas relações com colegas de trabalho e atender bem aos clientes.


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