
Health evaluation is much more than a methodology or a set of techniques for data collection. There is obviously a wide variety of evaluation desig...

Health evaluation is much more than a methodology or a set of techniques for data collection. There is obviously a wide variety of evaluation designs and typologies. Regarding the moments of evaluation, we can affirm that:

A) There are four moments of evaluation: ex-ante, in itinere, ex-post, and ex-vacuo evaluation.
B) Ex-ante evaluation is carried out in the planning phase of the program or service and before its implementation; it is also called process or formative evaluation.
C) Ex-vacuo evaluation is developed during the implementation of interventions and uses the health information system and other methodology; its objective is to analyze the initial results of an action.


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A alternativa correta é a letra A) There are four moments of evaluation: ex-ante, in itinere, ex-post, and ex-vacuo evaluation.


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