
After evaluating the audiometry result below, choose the option that best corresponds to the presented result. (LRF = Speech Recognition Threshold)...

After evaluating the audiometry result below, choose the option that best corresponds to the presented result. (LRF = Speech Recognition Threshold)

Audiometry within the parameters of normality for both ears;
Audiometry with bilateral hearing loss between 3,000 and 4,000 Hertz;
Audiometry with mild/moderate hearing loss at 4,000 Hertz in the right ear and normal in the left ear;
Audiometry with auditory symmetry and bilateral low-frequency hearing loss in the right ear;
Audiometry with altered auditory threshold at high frequencies in the right ear and normal in the left ear;

Essa pergunta também está no material:

AvaliaçãoUnidade 2 UA Medicina do Trabalho Pedra Branca 2021 2 Turma Manhã (1)
17 pág.

Medicina Universidade do Sul de Santa CatarinaUniversidade do Sul de Santa Catarina


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Based on the information provided, the option that best corresponds to the presented result is: "Audiometry with mild/moderate hearing loss at 4,000 Hertz in the right ear and normal in the left ear."



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