
After reading the contextualization above and the affirmatives below, mark the only option indicating the correct set of affirmative(s). I. There ...

After reading the contextualization above and the affirmatives below, mark the only option indicating the correct set of affirmative(s).

I. There is no other way to access the original text of Sir Gawain except by reading it in Old English.
II. The 14th-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is written in the most common Old English poetical rhythm, the alliterative verse.
III. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight is a poem that uses the framework of Arthurian legend to tell its tale.
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) I and III are correct.
d) I, II, and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

narratologia 1
5 pág.

Teoria da Narrativa Colegio Estadual Jardim Vila BoaColegio Estadual Jardim Vila Boa


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A alternativa correta é a letra c) I e III estão corretas.


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