
Identify the true intentions when organizing teaching and learning situations: I. Plan and develop didactic procedures that mobilize students' pri...

Identify the true intentions when organizing teaching and learning situations:

I. Plan and develop didactic procedures that mobilize students' prior knowledge through situations in which interesting social and cultural experiences circulate;
II. Plan situations to be very specific in order to produce truly relevant information for textual production;
III. Take advantage of all activities and exercises in textbooks, as they are filled with real writing situations;
IV. Create learning situations in which students have access to all manifestations of language in order to strengthen their experience.
A. I, II, and III are correct.
B. I, II, and IV are correct.
C. II and III are correct.
D. I and II are correct.
E. I and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Questões - Letramentos e Alfabetização
6 pág.

Pedagogia AnhangueraAnhanguera


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A alternativa correta é a letra E. I e III estão corretas.


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