
A male patient, 70 years old, with a history of treated tuberculosis, underwent a chest X-ray that described findings suggestive of sequelae of the...

A male patient, 70 years old, with a history of treated tuberculosis, underwent a chest X-ray that described findings suggestive of sequelae of the disease, with no evidence of activity. An finding related to the sequelae of pulmonary tuberculosis is:

a) Pulmonary fibrosis.
b) Bronchiectasis.
c) Tracheal stenosis.
d) Tracheomalacia.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Resumos Prova Radiologia - Medicina Unoeste
17 pág.

Radiologia Universidade do Oeste PaulistaUniversidade do Oeste Paulista


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A resposta correta é a alternativa a) Pulmonary fibrosis. A fibrose pulmonar é uma das sequelas comuns da tuberculose pulmonar.



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