
How is the volume of blood calculated for transfusion? - Total blood volume: 0.08 (8%) x BW (kg) = recipient's blood volume; - Desired PCV: must b...

How is the volume of blood calculated for transfusion?

- Total blood volume: 0.08 (8%) x BW (kg) = recipient's blood volume;
- Desired PCV: must be realistic (18-20%);
- Animals can receive up to 20% of their blood volume;
- Infusion rate:
- First 10-20 minutes: 1 to 5 mL/kg/h (1 to 2 drops/s);
- Speed after (15 minutes): 5 to 10 mL/kg/h.


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To calculate the volume of blood for transfusion, you can use the following formula: Total blood volume = 0.08 (8%) x BW (kg) Where BW represents the recipient's body weight in kilograms. This formula estimates the recipient's blood volume. Additionally, it is important to consider the desired packed cell volume (PCV), which should be realistic and typically ranges from 18% to 20%. Animals can receive up to 20% of their blood volume as a transfusion. Regarding the infusion rate, it can be adjusted as follows: - First 10-20 minutes: 1 to 5 mL/kg/h (1 to 2 drops/s) - Speed after 15 minutes: 5 to 10 mL/kg/h These guidelines can help determine the appropriate volume and rate for blood transfusion.



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