
Let us suppose that you have a class of juniors to teach the use of gerunds. Some activities may be more or less appropriate for this kind of gramm...

Let us suppose that you have a class of juniors to teach the use of gerunds. Some activities may be more or less appropriate for this kind of grammatical subject. Among the statements bellow, some present good strategies to get the students aware of the use of gerunds in English. Mark T for true and F for False, for each one of them. ( ) Proposing the students to talk about leisure activities may get them familiar to the gerund form after "go". ( ) Introduce a game where they are supposed to do or to stop doing something, according to the gerund or the infinitive you use after "stop". ( ) Propose to them to write or express preferences by using the verb "enjoy", which is always followed by an infinitive. ( ) Make them work in pairs and practice asking questions with " What do you like + verb/I like + verb", which makes them practice either a gerund either an infinitive form after "like". Check the right sequence:

( ) Proposing the students to talk about leisure activities may get them familiar to the gerund form after "go".
( ) Introduce a game where they are supposed to do or to stop doing something, according to the gerund or the infinitive you use after "stop".
( ) Propose to them to write or express preferences by using the verb "enjoy", which is always followed by an infinitive.
( ) Make them work in pairs and practice asking questions with " What do you like + verb/I like + verb", which makes them practice either a gerund either an infinitive form after "like".
T - T - F - T.
T - T - T - F.
F - F - T - T.
F - T - F - F.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Língua Inglesa IV - Avaliação II
4 pág.

Lingua Inglesa IV (p/i) UniasselviUniasselvi

💡 1 Resposta

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A resposta correta é a alternativa B: T - T - T - F. Explicação: - Propor aos alunos que falem sobre atividades de lazer pode ajudá-los a se familiarizar com o uso do gerúndio após "go". (Verdadeiro) - Introduzir um jogo em que eles devem fazer ou parar de fazer algo, de acordo com o gerúndio ou o infinitivo que você usa após "stop". (Verdadeiro) - Propor que escrevam ou expressem preferências usando o verbo "enjoy", que é sempre seguido por um infinitivo. (Verdadeiro) - Fazer com que trabalhem em pares e pratiquem fazendo perguntas com "What do you like + verb / I like + verb", o que os faz praticar tanto o gerúndio quanto o infinitivo após "like". (Falso)


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